RIASFAA Executive Board 2024 - 2025
President: Matt Davis, Brown University
President Elect: Jennifer Burke, Rhode Island College
Past President: Kelly Morrissey, Community College of Rhode Island
Vice President: Allen Cowett, College Unbound
Treasurer: Brock Walsh, Salve Regina University
Secretary: Natalie Wong, Salve Regina University
Leadership Structure
RIASFAA's Leadership consists of the Executive Board which includes President, President Elect, Past President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Association is also led by several committees. The members of the Executive Board are elected based on nominations and votes submitted by the membership. Voting is conducted virtually, and new officers are installed as of July 1 each year. President- Elect (1 year total term) •The President-Elect shall succeed as President at the end of his or her term as President-Elect, and serve as Past-President for the following year. Total commitment to be a 3 year term. •Preside at all meetings of the Executive Council and of the Association and perform such other duties as pertain to the office of President. •Assist the President with the activities of the Association. In the absence of the President, the President-Elect shall assume the office of the President •May attend the NASFAA Leadership Conference (typically scheduled in February) and enroll in the Association Management track (expenses paid by RIASFAA) •Attend Summer EASFAA Council Meeting (typically scheduled for June and paid for by EASFAA) and provide quarterly RIASFAA updates through EASFAA website President (1 year total term) •The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Council and of the Association and perform such other duties as pertain to the office of President. Oversees all committees and shall submit an annual report to the Association. •Will review the RIASFAA by-laws for accuracy and reach out to by-laws committee for updates and approval if necessary •Attend Fall and Winter EASFAA council meetings (typically scheduled for October and February and to be paid by EASFAA) and submit quarterly RIASFAA updates through EASFAA website •Attend Spring EASFAA Conference (typically scheduled in May) as the RI Representative (to be paid by EASFAA) •Serve as chair to the conference committee (along with Vice President) •Present “Presidents’ Report” at RIASFAA Conference •Manages Conference Budget (in coordination with Treasurer) •Plan training opportunities twice per year Past- President (1 year total term) •The Past President will assume the role of President if the President and the President-Elect are no longer available to serve •Provide counsel and training to President using knowledge from previous year •Attend EASFAA Council meetings if both President and President Elect are unavailable •Serve as Chair of the Membership & Nominations Committee Vice- President (2 year term) •The Vice-President shall serve as a committee member to the annual RIASFAA conference •Coordinates financial aid information nights for the State, as requested by schools within the state •The Vice-President is responsible for the invoicing for the Financial Aid Information Nights and ensuring the payment of the presenters. •Assisting the President with other duties appropriate to the office Secretary (2 year term) •The Secretary shall be responsible for the records of the Association and of the Executive Council and perform such other duties appropriate to the office as the Executive Council may prescribe. •Responsible for the recording of all minutes of all meetings of the Association and the Executive Council. •Notify the members of the regular and special meetings of the Association at least ten (10) days prior to such meetings •Responsible for updates to the website including yearly membership and committee updates •Send out any RIASFAA communications from the President or other Executive Board members. Treasurer (2 year term) •The Treasurer shall be responsible for the billing and collection of all membership dues and for receiving and distributing all monies of the Association under policies approved by the Executive Council •Ready whenever required to turn over to the Executive Council all monies, accounts, record books, papers, vouchers and other records pertaining to the office, and shall turn the same over to the successor when elected. •May be bonded at the expense of the Association, the amount to be designated by the Executive Council. •Shall submit a duly audited annual report to the Association. •Required to be part of the Finance committee and will do a yearly budget review with other members of the committee. •Check mailbox (during peak payment times) Document Revised on March 22, 2024
Past RIASFAA Executive Boards
2023-2024 President: Kelly Morrissey President Elect: Matt Davis Past President: Melissa Donahue Vice President: Allen Cowett Treasurer: Brock Walsh Secretary: Natalie Wong 2022-2023 President: Kelly Morrissey President Elect: Vacant Past President: Melissa Donahue Vice President: Nancy Bessette Treasurer: Jason Martin Secretary: Francesca Savella 2021 - 2022 President: Melissa Donahue President Elect: Donna Cournoyer Past President: Ellen Russo Vice President: Nancy Bessette Treasurer: Jason Martin Secretary: Francesca Savella 2020- 2021 President: Ellen Russo President Elect: Melissa Donahue Past President: Anne McDermott Vice President: Matt Davis Treasurer: Patricia Simonelli Secretary: Francesca Savella 2019 - 2020 President: Anne McDermott President Elect: Ellen Russo Vice President: Matt Davis Treasurer: Patricia Simonelli Secretary: Francesca Savella 2018 - 2019 President: Anne McDermott President Elect: Vacant Past President: Shannon Gallagher Vice President: Grace Cruz Treasurer: Joanna Nagelhout Secretary: Melissa Donahue 2017 - 2018 President: Shannon Gallagher President Elect: Anne McDermott Past President: Ed Maroney Vice President: Vacant Treasurer: Joanna Nagelhout ecretary: Melissa Donahue 2016 - 2017 President: Ed Maroney President Elect: Shannon Gallagher Past President: Sandra Oliveira Vice President: Monica Marcotrigiano Treasurer: Stacey Pettella Secretary: Melissa Donahue 2015 - 2016 President: Sandra Oliveira President Elect: Ed Maroney Past President: Ken Ferus Vice President: Monica Marcotrigiano Treasurer: Stacey Pettella Secretary: Melissa Donahue 2014 - 2015 President: Ken Ferus President Elect: Sandra Oliveira Past President:Anna Kelly Vice President: Vacant Treasurer: Ed Maroney Secretary: Nelly Hoffens-Vargas 2013 - 2014 President: Anna Kelly President Elect: Ken Ferus Past President: Gail Walker Vice President: Vacant Treasurer: Ed Maroney Secretary: Nelly Hoffens-Vargas 2012 - 2013 President: Gail Walker President Elect: Anna Kelly Past President: Christine Jenkins Vice President: Ken Ferus Treasurer: Jennifer Dutch Secretary: Keirsten Connors 2011 - 2012 President: Christine Jenkins President Elect: Gail Walker Past President: Jennifer Cone Vice President: Ken Ferus Treasurer: Jennifer Dutch Secretary: Keirsten Connors 2010 - 2011 President: Jennifer Cone President Elect: Christine Jenkins Past President: Diane Usher Vice President: Allen Cowett Treasurer: Jennifer Dutch Secretary: Jim Olick 2009 - 2010 President: Diane Usher President Elect: Jennifer Cone Past President: Andrea Swain Vice President: Allen Cowett Treasurer: Jennifer Dutch Secretary: Jim Olick 2008 - 2009 President: Andrea Swain President Elect: Diane Usher Past President: Greg Silva Vice President: Jennifer Cone Treasurer: Noel Simpson Secretary: Allen Cowett
Past RIASFAA Presidents
2023 - 2024, Kelly Morrissey, CCRI 2022 - 2023, Kelly Morrissey, CCRI 2021 - 2022, Melissa Donahue, RISD 2020-2021, Ellen Russo, Providence College 2018-2020, Anne McDermott, Salve Regina University 2017-2018, Shannon Gallagher, RISD 2016-2017, Edward Maroney, Bryant University 2015-2016, Sandra Oliveira, Providence College 2014-2015, Ken Ferus, Rhode Island College 2013-2014, Anna Kelly, New England Institute of Technology 2012-2013 Gail Walker, RISLA 2011-2012 Christine Jenkins, Community College of RI 2010-2011 Jennifer Cone, Salve Regina University 2009-2010 Diane Usher, Roger Williams University 2008-2009 Andrea Swain, Johnson & Wales University 2007-2008 Greg Silva, Rhode Island Higher Ed 1995-1997 Dave Deblois 1993-1995 John Canning, Providence College 1991-1993 Lynn Fawthrop, Roger Williams University 1989-1991 Russ Woodward, Community College of RI 1987-1989 Herb D'Arcy, Providence College 1985-1987 Jean Eddy, Johnson & Wales College 1983-1985 Herb D'Arcy, Providence College 1981-1983 Harry Amaral, University of Rhode Island 1979-1981 Alan Maynard, Brown University 1977-1979 Earle DeGraphenreid, University of Rhode Island 1975-1977 Fred Kenney, Bryant College 1973-1975 William Hurry, Rhode Island College 1971-1973 Rev John S. Peterson, OP, Providence College 1969-1971 Thom Brown, Bryant College